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Data Request Service

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Qatar National Cancer Registry QNCR provides statistical information that the government, researchers and the community can use to promote discussion on and improve the delivery of health for Qataris and non-Qataris.

Qatar National Cancer Registry QNCR provides statistical information that the government, researchers and the community can use to promote discussion on and improve the delivery of health for Qataris and non-Qataris.

Data request service enables you to request new data tables within one specified data collection at new and different levels of disaggregation using different or derived data items.
Before deciding to request data, complete the following steps in the form:
  • You must agree to the terms of use as set out below in order to receive data from the Qatar National Cancer Registry. 
  • Any of the data supplied to you may be freely used, but remains the property of the Ministry of Public Health. 
  • To protect the Registry against the misuse of the data, all users must agree to the following conditions:
    1. The Qatar National Cancer Registry is to be clearly acknowledged as the source of the data.
    2. The Qatar National Cancer Registry is to be sent a draft copy, prior to submission to any peer-reviewed journal, of any paper-based on Registry data.
    3. The Registry may refuse permission for the use of the data in this way if the Board is of the opinion that this would not be in the interests of the Qatar Cancer Registry.
    4. No presentation of the data which could potentially identify any individual patient, doctor or health care institution is to be made without the permission of the Registry and of the person or institution concerned.
    5. Data released shall be only used for the purpose mentioned in the form.
    6. Any direct contact with the patients to collect additional or updated information is prohibited unless it was explicitly approved by Institutional Review Board IRB.​
Ethical approvals
  • Data and Information provided by QNCR for research purposes are only offered to Institutional Review Board (IRB), approved research projects. 
  • Data is always provided as de-identified

​​​​​​​​ : 42
Phone : 44070000
Official Working Hours :
Sunday - Thursday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

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